我如何在昌迪加尔大学中心组织Google Hash Code 2019
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by Neeraj Negi

由Neeraj Negi

我如何在昌迪加尔大学中心组织Google Hash Code 2019 (How I organized Google Hash Code 2019 at Chandigarh University Hub)

This is me !!! @Neeraj Negi — Google HashCode Organizer

这就是我 !!! @Neeraj Negi-Google HashCode组织者

“Organizing the event is not a big deal but handling and making it successful is”- Nj


Over 900+ students participated in Google HashCode2019 from “Chandigarh University Hub”. I am writing this so that my peers and fellow juniors can learn something from my experience because in life we don’t have enough time to fall and then learn. I hope you will enjoy this and learn how I was able to manage this event.

超过900多名学生从“ 昌迪加尔大学中心”参加了Google HashCode2019 。 我写这本书的目的是为了使我的同学和初中同学可以从我的经验中学习一些东西, 因为在生活中我们没有足够的时间去摔倒和学习 。 希望您会喜欢上它,并了解我如何能够管理此活动。

So the story starts with getting notification from Google about “Google HashCode 2019”. I live in the beautiful city of Chandigarh, India and am currently pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering. Being a Google Web Specialist Scholar and Google Pytorch Scholar, I was able to get the notification about GH19 earlier via communication. ?

因此,故事首先要从Google获得有关“ Google HashCode 2019”的通知。 我住在印度美丽的昌迪加尔市,目前正在攻读计算机科学与工程学士学位。 作为Google网络专家学者Google Pytorch学者,我能够通过通讯较早地获得有关GH19的通知。 ?

关于我的一点 (A little bit about me)

I have already handled many huge events but this particular event has been one of the biggest — not only in terms of student engagement, but also in terms of expectations. I was very excited about the event and I also wanted to participate in the hashcode Competition in spite of being an organizer. I am a member of Women Tech-Makers by Google, Google Developer Group- Chandigarh, AWS Educate Member, 1MWIT, Linkedin Local, Adobe Club Member and in many other clubs hosted by the university.

我已经处理了许多大型活动,但这项特殊活动是最大的活动之一-不仅在学生参与度方面,而且在期望方面。 我对该活动感到非常兴奋,并且尽管想成为组织者,但我也想参加哈希码竞赛。 我是Google的Google Tech Tech-Makers 成员,Chandigarh的Google Developer Group,AWS Educate成员,1MWIT,Linkedin Local,Adobe Club成员以及该大学主办的许多其他俱乐部的成员

Background: I am a Full stack web developer (MEAN Stack) |UI/UX -Web Design | Voice-Recognition Developer | Founder of Business Targeting |Linkedin Enthusiast | Google Adwords Certified | Alexa Skill and Google Assistant Developer| Mentor of 1millionWomen in Tech |Adobe Campus Representative | Working on Self Driving Cars (ML, AI) |CompTIA+| Working on AWS I have already gotten my hands dirty with C, C++, and Python during my High School years and have learned new programming languages like Java, JavaScript, Node.Js, Angular.Js in University. My natural curiosity led me towards the field of web development and self-driving cars. I have ongoing research on deep neural networks.

背景: 我是全栈Web开发人员(MEAN Stack)| UI / UX -Web设计| 语音识别开发人员| 业务定位创始人| LinkedIn热心者| Google Adwords认证| Alexa Skill和Google助理开发人员| 100万女性技术顾问| Adob​​e校园代表| 从事自动驾驶汽车(ML,AI)| CompTIA + | 在AWS上工作 在高中时期,我已经开始接触C,C ++和Python,并在大学学习了新的编程语言,例如Java,JavaScript,Node.Js,Angular.Js。 我的自然好奇心使我进入了Web开发和自动驾驶汽车领域。 我正在进行有关深度神经网络的研究。

So now let’s go back to the story. ? Most of the students in my university were not aware of the Google hashcode Competition. So I decided to spread some awareness to the students and convince them to participate so that they could learn something from real-world problems. Even if they didn’t know how to write <<hello world; they could still research and start exploring.

现在让我们回到故事。 ? 我大学的大多数学生都不知道Google哈希码竞赛。 因此,我决定向学生传播一些意识,并说服他们参加,以便他们可以从现实问题中学习一些东西。 即使他们不知道如何写《你好世界》; 他们仍然可以研究并开始探索。

“Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought. — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi”

“研究是要看到其他人看到的东西,并思考其他人没有想到的东西。 —阿尔伯特·圣特·乔吉

Google HashCode-比赛时间| HashCode集线器| 仪表板| 团队组成 (Google HashCode — Competition Timing | HashCode Hubs | DashBoard | Team Formation)

A little context, first: Google Hash Code is a programming competition. You get a task from Google, along with a few input files. You’re supposed to write a program that reads an input file and produces an output file which solves the problem. The hard part: you have to do it within 4 hours.

首先,介绍一下上下文:Google哈希代码是一场编程竞赛。 您可以从Google获得一项任务以及一些输入文件。 您应该编写一个程序来读取输入文件并生成一个输出文件来解决问题。 困难的部分:您必须在4小时内完成。

Online Qualification Round The initial online based Qualification Round was held on Thursday, February 28, 2019, from 17:30 UTC until 21:30 UTC.


Reason to participate:


Whether you’re new to programming or a coding competition pro, there are plenty of reasons to participate in Hash Code. Lindsay Taub, my mentor, :

无论您是编程新手还是编码竞赛专业人士,都有很多理由参与哈希码。 我的导师Lindsay Taub :

  1. Optimization problems for the win. Just like the problems that Google engineers tackle, there’s never one right answer to a Hash Code problem. Instead, each round of the competition is designed as a “battle of heuristics” — imperfect solutions. There are many ways to approach the challenge, and teams should continuously iterate on their solution throughout the round. Getting familiar with past problems is the best way to prepare; always hold a practice session (or two) with your team using the Hash Code .

    优化问题为赢。 就像Google工程师要解决的问题一样,哈希码问题从来没有一个正确的答案。 取而代之的是,每轮比赛都被设计为“启发式战斗”,即不完善的解决方案。 解决挑战的方法很多,团队应在整个回合中不断迭代解决方案。 熟悉过去的问题是最好的准备方法。 始终使用Hash Code 与您的团队进行一次(或两次)练习。

  2. Hash Code is all about community. From competing on a team of two to four people to participating in the competition from a (a local meetup that ), opportunities to connect with other Hash Coders are everywhere. This is the first year Hash Code is open to developers globally, and we’re excited to see this community continue to grow. Meet other Hash Coders, find teammates and stay up-to-date on all the latest Hash Code buzz.

    哈希码与社区有关。 从一个由两到四个人组成的团队竞争到从 ( 的本地聚会)参加竞赛,到处都有与其他哈希码联系的机会。 这是Hash Code向全球开发人员开放的第一年,我们很高兴看到这个社区继续增长。 与其他Hash Coder会面,寻找队友并保持最新的所有Hash Code嗡嗡声。

  3. Googley fun. Hash Code is an opportunity to get a glimpse into software engineering at Google, and when our teams come together to solve challenging problems, you can bet they have some fun while doing it.

    Googley的乐趣。 哈希码是一个了解Google软件工程的机会,当我们的团队团结起来解决具有挑战性的问题时,您可以打赌他们在这样做的过程中会很有趣。

  4. Learning and learning. If problems are solved by you or not! you always get some benefits by learning new things, getting familiar with new tools and methods. You can’t learn these things without participating so if you did your best, kudos to you.

    学习和学习。 问题是否由您解决! 通过学习新事物,熟悉新工具和新方法,您总是会得到一些好处。 没有参与您就无法学习这些东西,因此,如果您尽力而为,就对您表示敬意。

You never lose…. either you win or you learn.
你永远不会输…。 你赢了还是学到了。

The best way to experience the Hash Code is to discover it for yourself. ?

体验哈希码的最佳方法是亲自发现它。 ?

Here are some of the photographs taken on that day!


以下是我想回答的一些问题: (Here are some questions I would like to answer:)

  1. Why did I choose to organize a hub at Chandigarh University?


I chose to organize a hub here at CU is because I felt that providing an opportunity for people to come together and work on a challenging problem is the best way to let them develop their skills and themselves. Hub gives you a platform so that you can showcase your coding talent and at the same time learn something from others too.

我之所以选择在CU组织中心,是因为我认为为人们提供一个聚会和解决难题的机会是让他们发展技能和自我的最佳途径。 Hub为您提供了一个平台,使您可以展示自己的编码才能,同时也可以从他人那里学到一些东西。

2. What was the process of setting up my hub?


There were so many things to do, like booking a room, Labs, getting approvals from our university, and ensuring Wifi was set up. At that time I was expecting around 400–500 participants but the count went way beyond that... I booked 2 Seminar halls and 14 Computer labs containing 36 PCs each for participants on that day. But later I booked 4 more rooms and that's how I managed to put all the students in one block. Getting permission for rooms for a night was one of the hardest parts, but thanks to my supportive friends I was able to do it.

有很多事情要做,例如预订房间,实验室,获得我们大学的批准以及确保建立Wifi。 当时我预计会有400-500名参与者,但是人数远远超出了……那天我预定了2个研讨会厅和14个计算机实验室,每个实验室有36台PC。 但是后来我又订了4个房间,这就是我设法将所有学生都放在一个街区的方法。 获得一晚房间的许可是最难的部分之一,但是由于我的支持者朋友,我才得以做到。

We also started promoting the event a few weeks earlier to be sure we had as many participants as possible. The real fun started just before the competition when we decorated the room with balloons and posters — luckily a few Volunteers came early so they decided to join us and help!

我们还于几周前开始宣传该活动,以确保我们有尽可能多的参与者。 真正的乐趣始于比赛前,当时我们用气球和海报装饰了房间-幸运的是,一些志愿者来得很早,所以他们决定加入我们并提供帮助!

3. What was my favorite part about hosting a hub?


Meeting new people! That’s definitely the best part. You can feel the passion and excitement in the room.

结识新朋友! 那绝对是最好的部分。 您可以在房间里感受到热情和激动。

Students came here not only for coding but for being a part of world level competition.


Thanks, guys for coming here!


Google Hashcode前3天 (3 days before Google Hashcode)

规划 (Planning)

In India, the timing of Google hashcode Competition was 28th Feb at 11 pm at night. So I had to find out the availability of the students at night and also space, decorations, wifi, food resources, and security.

在印度,Google hashcode Competition的时间为2月28日晚上11点。 因此,我不得不找出晚上学生的空闲时间,以及空间,装饰品,wifi,食物资源和安全性。

The most difficult task was getting permission for a night event. 3 days prior I emailed my department head and UIR about this event so that no problems would occur. They got my email and replied back to me on the same day. The department helped me in arranging the stay of day-scholars and getting permission for hostler to reach our Hub. Then I got help from my university branding department for printing out the Google printable kit for decorations and visitor cards or participants cards.

最困难的任务是获得夜间活动的许可。 在三天前,我就此事件通过电子邮件发送给了部门主管和UIR,这样就不会出现任何问题。 他们收到了我的电子邮件,并在同一天回复了我。 该部门帮助我安排了日间学者的住宿,并获得了招待人进入我们中心的许可。 然后,我从大学品牌部门获得了帮助,以打印出用于装饰和访客卡或参与者卡的Google可打印套件。

I would like to thank the professors, deans and all other faculty members of Chandigarh University who gave me permission for this and helped me in each and every arrangement.


晋升 (Promotion)

We did promotion for 2 days before hashcode by showing posters and flyers on the student portal. We were not expecting that kind of participation from students — my volunteering team told me that for a night event we could assume less than 400 participants.

通过在学生门户上显示海报和传单,我们在进行哈希码促销之前进行了2天的促销活动。 我们没想到学生会参加这种活动-我的志愿者团队告诉我,对于一个夜间活动,我们可以假设少于400名参与者。

But I knew that I could engage more than 400 students for this event. So I created a simple presentation describing the event and the benefits of participation. I also created a Google form so that I could get the information about participants.

但是我知道我可以邀请400多名学生参加这次活动。 因此,我创建了一个简单的演示文稿,描述了该事件以及参与的好处。 我还创建了一个Google表单,以便获得有关参与者的信息。

装饰 (Decoration)

The most interesting and eye-catching thing was the decorations. Thanks to my friend ? @Deepika for taking responsibility for the decorations. She helped me a lot during this event and I really appreciate her effort.

最有趣和引人注目的是装饰品。 多亏我的朋友? @Deepika负责装饰。 在这次活动中,她为我提供了很多帮助,我非常感谢她的努力。

Also, @Shushant,@Anant @Aditinegi, @ayesha, @itika @priyanka @manish @simran were working on Whiteboard Designing, Balloons and cutting Google sign prints.

此外,@ Shushant,@ Anant @ Aditinegi,@ ayesha,@ itika @priyanka @manish @simran也在从事白板设计,气球和切割Google标牌的工作。

Thanks for all kinds of efforts you gave to this event!


义工队 (Volunteering Team)

I am aware that for these kinds of events, you need your own team who can help you to arrange all kinds of stuff so that you can more focus on the core parts.


I have already a team of 150 students, but this time I thought to give this opportunity to new people.


It took me 2 days to find the right volunteers and give them the opportunity to grow. Before this, a session was held in the morning with volunteers so that they could be more comfortable and flexible with me!

我花了两天的时间找到合适的志愿者并给他们成长的机会。 在此之前,早上与志愿者举行了一次会议,以使他们对我更加舒适和灵活!

What life has taught me is that you can not lead people if they do not respect you, do not trust you, and do not believe you. You can order them around, but to get them to do their best you need to win their hearts.

生活告诉我的是,如果人们不尊重您,不信任您并且不相信您,您将无法领导他们。 您可以命令他们,但是要使他们尽力而为,您需要赢得他们的心。

People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care and can help them solve their problems.


Creating this volunteering team and finding each and every volunteer becomes worth it. Thanks to all the 80+ coordinators who helped me with this event.

创建这个志愿者团队并找到每一个志愿者变得值得。 感谢所有80多位协调员为我提供了帮助。

Special thanks to @avlin and @ashish @jatin @akhil @kartik and @karan for helping me with setting arrangements.

特别感谢@avlin和@ashish @jatin @akhil @kartik和@karan帮助我进行设置。

I think I was able to make each and everyone volunteer a good leader by guiding them in the right direction.


“Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others and find out the strength they have.” — John C. Maxwell

“领导者之所以变得出色,并不是因为他们的力量,而是因为他们有能力赋予他人权力并发掘自己的力量。” 约翰·麦克斯韦(John C. Maxwell)

That's what I did!


IST 2019年2月28日 (28th Feb 2019 IST)

At 8:30 pm this was the crowd ?


HashCode在线资格赛前的AMA会议! (AMA Session before HashCode Online Qualification Round!)

So before the Google HashCode Competition started, I held a session to get students familiarized with the HashCode Dashboard, Point and ranking system, Optimisation of the problem and input-output logic. I also talked about lots of things other than hashcode and shared my experience with the students.

因此,在Google HashCode竞赛开始之前,我举行了一场会议,让学生熟悉HashCode仪表板,积分和排名系统,问题的优化和输入输出逻辑。 我还讨论了除哈希码以外的许多事情,并与学生们分享了我的经验。

问题与查询 (Questions and Queries)

I also took some questions from the students.


2019年3月1日 (1st March 2019 IST)

Competition started!


As the problem was released, all coders started working on their solutions. All the students were busy with the problem statement.

问题释放后,所有编码人员都开始着手解决方案。 所有的学生都忙于问题陈述。

好玩 测验| 音乐游戏| 卡胡特 (Fun | Quiz | Music Game | Kahoot)

After the Hashcode competition, we organized some Quiz and music ball games so that the students did not get bored and stayed connected with the event. It’s important not only to code but also to enjoy the moment.

在Hashcode比赛之后,我们组织了一些测验和音乐球比赛,以使学生们不会感到无聊,并与比赛保持联系。 重要的是不仅要编码,而且要享受这一刻。

Thanks, @sahil, and — these are my friends who were with me while organizing Kahoot, the music ball game, and the AR game. I got feedback from the students and they really enjoyed these games. After the games, the students started taking photographs.

谢谢@sahil和 ,这些人是我的朋友,他们一起组织Kahoot,音乐球游戏和AR游戏。 我从学生那里得到了反馈,他们真的很喜欢这些游戏。 比赛结束后,学生们开始拍照。

Thanks to @kashish, @himanngshu boro, and @saurav for taking photographs!

感谢@ kashish,@ himanngshu boro和@saurav拍摄照片!

Kahoot Quiz


Music Game after Hashcode Competition!


At 5:00 am the students went back to their homes.


HashCode背后的志愿者团队 (Volunteer Team Behind HashCode)

I think it is the main responsibility of a Team leader to see the potential in others, to help them develop their strengths they did not even know they had, and give others opportunities to grow and always appreciate them even if it’s a small win by them.


It is impossible to be a good leader without being a good person!

It costs nothing to be respectful, kind, nice, supportive, grateful and positive.


“We are not a team because we work together. We are a team because we respect, trust, and care for each other.”

“我们不是团队,因为我们一起工作。 我们是一个团队,因为我们彼此尊重,信任和关怀。”

Here was my appreciation message from my side for volunteers at 6am on next day!


What I learned from my mentors was that “a person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”

我从导师那里学到的是:“ 一个感到被欣赏的人将永远比预期做得更多。”

哈希码竞赛后的反馈和回应 (Feedback & Responses After Hash Code Competition)

I got around 300+ appreciation messages for the hashcode event from different platforms. I want to take this moment to thank all the participants and coordinators who were there and joined Google Hashcode 2019 with me. In the future, I will definitely organize another event like this. ?

我从不同的平台收到了300多个有关hashcode事件的感谢消息。 我想借此机会感谢所有与我一起参加Google Hashcode 2019的参与者和协调员。 将来,我一定会组织另一个这样的活动。 ?

Thanks, @Lindsay Taub for mentoring me!

谢谢@Lindsay Taub指导我!

Leading is not about winning, but it is about bringing others with you to the finish line. Agree?

领导并不是要赢得胜利,而是要带别人一起冲向终点。 同意?

Comments and claps are highly appreciated!


Connect with me on Social Media:




Linkedin: Instagram:

Linkedin: ://www.linkedin.com/in/neerajnegideveloper/ Instagram: :

Follow our Hashcode page: Hashcodenj and #HashCodenj




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